Ok...so the post may sound a bit funny, but if you are a pet owner, you'll totally "dig" this story. (Scout helped me with that pun on words, get it, DIG, like a dog?) On to the story.
A few weeks ago, I went out to our house to do some work. When I pulled up, there was a man (who later turned out to be someone working on our electrical) and his dog in our garage. The man was working, the dog was sound asleep on the dirt floor. It was a HUGE Golden retriever. When I say huge, I mean Beethoven (the drooling St. Bernard) HUGE. Anyways, he was white in the face and looked so cute. I'm a dog lover, so I immediately knelt down and pet him. His owner and I got to talking and a to make a very LONG story short...it turns out that this gigantic dog, named Bear IS Scouts birth father. I say birth father, because of course, Bryan is really her daddy!
It was so amazing to see where she came from. It's not too often when you get a dog from a litter that you ever see a sibling or even the parent again. I called Bryan in excitement. Later that week, we brought Scout out to the house, and Bear was there. They had a nice reunion, and within 10 minutes, they didn't care if either existed. Nonetheless, it was fun to see the resemblance in them. Many may laugh at this, but Bryan and I could see that they had similar noses and eyes. What a fun experience.

Scout is on the right. She is 8 and her doggy dad is 12.

This picture shows I was NOT kidding. Bear is HUGE, especially for a Golden.