Saturday, November 29, 2008

Lego-Land at the new Miller homesite

Progress is being made on our new home.
Bryan continues to work nightly and every weekend to keep the project rolling forward. Here are some pictures of the massive stacks of foam "Lego's" that will soon be our basement walls. Instead of doing concrete blocks for our basement walls, you put together a massive puzzle of foam forms. In between the forms goes poured concrete. When the concrete sets or hardens, you have cement walls instead of block walls. A great bonus to this type of basement is that we increase our "r" value or insulation rating and we can attach the sheet rock directly to the foam on the inside. This means we don't have to frame up the exterior walls with 2x4's?
Too much shop talk for those of you that aren't "handy"? Take a look at the pics, it will make much more sense.

Could this kid be more like his parents?

Each day, Bryan and I notice more and more things that Carter does that completely resemble us! I have a tendency to walk around while I talk on the phone, multi-tasking when I can. Now, granted, I don't do it in only a diaper, but the attire aside, this kid is a spitting image of me! Bryan shot this video while I ran to get a movie one night. Please disregard all of the toys and junk lying around, its been quite busy around the Miller house lately.

I should also mention that Carter now knows how to "toot" on purpose. I'll let you, the reader, decide who he's imitating when he does that.

Let's get this "potty" started!

The day has arrived and Carter is interested in the toilet. He has managed to pee-pee in the potty at least 5 times. He now goes into the bathroom when Bryan or I do and wants to sit on his potty chair. Sometimes, we come up empty handed, other times, we are successful. Carter is not even two years old yet, so we are naturally very excited. It does seem that he's not quite as interested in pooping in the potty as he is peeing. That's a shame because retirement from changing poopy diapers could not come soon enough.
Oh well...we're not going to wish our little boys life away, so we'll keep changing, and doing the pee-pee dance until he shuts the bathroom door on us for some privacy.