Saturday, December 13, 2008


The post titles says it all. The day we've been waiting for has arrived and our concrete walls have been poured.

Bryan awoke at 5am today, got dressed and set out to pour the walls for our new home. Concrete was scheduled to arrive at 8am, and thanks to the help of many good friends (Luke, Jon, Blex and Ben), all preparations were made and the pouring of the walls began shortly after 8am.

Without going into too much construction detail, it's quite simple. You put together these foam forms that will serve as the mold for your exterior walls. The key word is "the mold". Without proper bracing, the weight of the wet concrete can easily blow out the foam mold at any weak seam. Bryan did a great job bracing and patching any seam with OSB (plywood) but the chance of a blowout always exists. I anxiously awaited to hear from Bryan this morning. It was the first time I had ever prayed this prayer "Dear God, thank you for all of the great blessings you give us, and by the way...please no blow outs, God!" Thanks to Bryan's great preparation, and I'm sure, some help from God, we had no blow outs.

God has continued to bless us with decent weather (most days) and very little snow. He knew we needed to get these walls poured. THANK YOU GOD! Tonight and tomorrow we are scheduled to get over 12 inches of snow. Walls, just in the nick of time.

Wood is good!

Yes, folks...take a look at the below picture. We had our FIRST load of lumber delivered to the job site last week! What an exciting thought to know that soon the hammers will be swinging and the walls will be erected. Boy, this post kind of went south with the references to wood and erected, didn't it? GET YOUR MIND out of the gutter people, we are talking about home construction here!

I've also included some pictures of the walls, as the foam forms are complete and ready for concrete. Bryan has done an amazing job thus far, and has not complained for one moment about having to go out and work on our house in 0 degree weather AFTER he finishes his day job. He works nearly every night of the week until 10-11pm.
Thank you Bryan. Carter and I love you very much.

Saturday, the cement trucks arrive at 8am to bring the concrete for our walls. I'm so excited, it's like I'm a child and its Christmas morning.