Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mullet Mania!


I'm happy to report that it's supposed to be 47 degrees today. Carter and I are going to get the kiddie pool out...Just kidding Grandma, don't worry!

Tonight Bryan has his work bowling party. The theme is the 80's so his team is dressing like Motley Crew. I have a mullet wig he is going to wear. Take a look at the picture of me in the mullet. I brought it to one of my teacher work meetings and was able to take a picture of almost every teacher. They are such good sports!

I will try to get pictures of Bryan tonight for the blog. I have been begging him to wear my Bon Jovi T-shirt, but we're both convinced it will be just a WEE bit too tight!

What a great day to be alive!

Hope you are all doing well!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter weekend 2008

What a great Easter weekend we had!

We spent time with Bryan's dad & Maria & Lucian on Saturday and spent Sunday with the Boege clan. My mom and dad are already up to 6 grandchildren, with 2 more on the way! Kristen and Anne are both expecting this late summer/fall.

Life is so amazing and family is such a blessing.

Tuesday, March 25th

Today it is cold. What's new? We are currently experiencing temps well below normal and I'm getting sick and tired of it. This is the first winter I've cursed the snow and cold weather. Will it ever end?

We have so much to look forward to as the snow melts. April will bring gardening and 4-wheeling trips. June, we plan to head to Vegas and July we are going to spend a few days at a friends "remote" cabin. It will be interesting to bring Carter to a place with NO running water. We'll be washing in the lake more often than I like to think about! Regardless, I'm really looking forward to the upcoming events. I'll be sure to post pictures as time allows.

November 2007

November was a good month. Bryan spent many weekends trying to "provide" for our family by hunting deer. This was Carter's first deer season, and he was fully prepared with his camouflage leisure suit.

Bryan had a good hunting season and got to enjoy hunting in many locations. He also spent 10 days hunting Elk in Colorado in September of this year.

Winter Fun in Minnesota

Who would imagine that there would still be snow and cold temperatures on March 25th, as I post these "winter" photos and video?

These pictures were taken in December after a substantial snow fall. This was Carter's first sledding experience. I don't think he was too impressed at the time, but now that he is walking its a different story.

Bryan got a plow for his 4-wheeler this winter and it sure has proved to be useful. Carter enjoyed a spin around the yard with his dad. We are hoping to take him on some nice rides this spring.

Bon Jovi Rocks!

What an amazing concert that "Jersey Boy" can put on!
March 19th, 2008 marked the 4th Bon Jovi concert Jennifer attended. It just never gets old. This time around, Chris Daughtry was the opening act. What a great show he put on!

Jennifer, Anne and Shayna had a great time. We were in row 29, and had great seats. We were thankful no one as tall as Bryan was sitting in front of us!

Jennifer also decided that it was time to get the long anticipated tattoo she had always wanted. There's a long story behind the tattoo she chose and maybe someday, she'll share.
Enjoy the pics!