About two weeks ago the
excavator started the digging of our basement. It sure is a fun feeling to know our project is heading in the right direction. We hope to be in our new house by mid summer. Judging from the pictures below, we've got our work cut out for us!
How exciting for you guys! Please keep posting house updates. I love seeing how things are coming along.
Hey Guys,
I'm not sure if yu know this or not but you have a backhoe in your garage!! I'm not really sure why but I can't express how excited I am to see this house progress, believe me I will be following every step but in the meantime you might want to get the backhoe out of your garage.
I'm not sure if you guys will be around our not but I just found out that we will be doing our annual family vacation back in Brainerd. It will be January 3rd and 4th. If it works out I would LOVE to get together and see ya!! The last two years we have gone bowling in the early afternoon..if we do it again this year and you are interested you might have to take take your bowling ball our of storage and dust of the bowling shoes because the GAME WILL BE ON!!
Take Care,
Ryan-Please call us when you are in Brainerd so maybe we can get together. 218-821-0154.
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