Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I know...it's been a long time!

Here are some miscellaneous pictures of Carter. I'm sorry there's not really a story to accompany them but I'm sure you'll enjoy looking at them!


Jed, Katie and The Girls said...

welcome back to the blog. Love the pics. Carter is looking more and more like a little man! So Sweet.

Unknown said...

What a handsome little red hat from Snowmass, CO...who could he possibly have gotten that from....oh that's right! His Colorado auntie! :-)

Miss you!!

The Hanson Hat Trick said...

I'm glad to see your back to the blog and you've just been busy living life. For awhile there I was super worried that something was seriously wrong. I'm so glad to find out you were just having fun being parents, jetting off to Vegas and wrapping up another school year.
Sending you lots of warm wishes and love from Becker.